If you want to do a PhD with us within the Outagencies project, we have just opened a PhD studentship grant application for a 4-year scholarship. Here is some relevant information:
SUMMARY: Opportunity to join us at the IAS-Research Center for Life, Mind, and Society [https://ias-research.net] at the University of the Basque Country (San Sebastián) for a PhD studentship within the “Outagencies: Varieties of autonomous agency across living, humanimal, and technical systems” project [https://outonomy.net/project-description/]: an interdisciplinary exploration of agency across philosophy, biology, AI, and social sciences. We welcome passionate candidates from any background aligned with our research themes, who bring strong motivation, English proficiency, and a robust academic profile.
Deadline: November 18th, 2024
Pre-submission here: https://forms.gle/AGAHu6osrSUJ4Bxd9
Official submission here: https://www.ehu.eus/es/web/ikerketaren-kudeaketa/-/fpi-2024_upv_ehu
Salary: €19,500-€25,000 annually during 4 years (salary increases every year)
Duration: 4 years starting early 2025
More updated information: https://outonomy.net/?p=335