Please find below a list of some of the activities (talks, seminars, workshops, etc.) carried out at our center during the last years.
- Apr 28, IAS-Research Talk by Mirko Prokop “Towards an Enactive Account of Practical Reasoning: Setting the Scene” (28/04/2023)
- Apr 24, IAS Research Talk by Mitchell Ryan Distin “Evolution in Space and Time: The Second Synthesis between Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and the Philosophy of Biology” (24/04/2023)
- Apr 25, IAS Research Talk by Maite Arraiza “After the trans brain: A critique of the neurobiological accounts of embodied trans* identities” (25/04/2023)
- Mar 15, IAS-Research Seminar by Enara Garcia (EHU/UPV) “Towards a process perspective of psychopathology” (15/03/2023)
- Feb 16, AS-Research Seminar by Thomas van Es (EHU/UPV), “Reconceiving the perceptual mind-world relation for enactivism” (16/02/2023)
- Dec 20, IAS-Research Talk by Gillian Barker (University of Pittsburgh) “Geofunctions: A pragmatic approach to purposes, norms and agency at the planetary scale” (20/12/2022)
- Nov 25, IAS-Research Talk by Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University) “Planetary Intelligence: A Gaian Critique” (25/11/2022)
- Nov 17, IAS-Research Talk by Carl Sachs (Marymount University) “Strongly Embodied Functionalism: Between Enaction and Functionalism” (17/11/2022)
- Oct 26, Gaia and Philosophy – International seminar “Gaia and Philosophy – International seminar” (26/10/2022)
- May 26, IAS-Research Talk by Daniele De Martino (Biofisika Institutua, EHU/UPV) “Searching for principles ruling cell metabolism” (26/05/2022)
- Mar 15, IAS-Research Seminar by Guglielmo Militello (EHU/UPV) “The Complexity of Tumor Heterogeneity: Limitations and Challenges of the Pharmacogenomics in Cancer Treatment” (15/03/2022)
- Jan 27, IAS-Research Seminar by Ezequiel Di Paolo (EHU/UPV, Ikerbasque, University of Sussex) “Laying down a forking path: Tensions between enaction and the free energy principle” (27/01/2022)
- Dec 14, IAS-Research Seminars by Manuel G. Bedía (Universidad de Zaragoza) “Investigando sobre la investigación: Política científica basada en la evidencia“
- Dec 2, IAS-Research Seminars, Juli Peretó (University of Valencia) “Transmetabolism: Pushing the Limits of Biological Autonomy”
- Nov 9, IAS-Research Seminar, Marta Pérez Verdugo (EHU/UPV), “Situating transparency: an extended cognition approach”
- June 15, IAS-Research Seminar (Online), Tiago Rama (UAB) and Xabier Barandiaran (UPV/EHU), “An organismic path for teleosemantics: from biological to cognitive autonomy”
- May 18, IAS-Research Seminar (Online), Izar Agirresarobe-Pineda (EHU/UPV) and Iñigo R. Arandia (EHU/UPV) Three short talks about Placebo, Addiction and Social Interaction from an Enactive Perspective
- May 11, IAS-Research Seminar (Online), Alejandro Merlo (EHU/UPV), “Life and thermodynamics: the contribution of Earth system science”
- April 27, IAS-Research Talk (Online), Jo Bervoets (University of Antwerp), “Making sense of Tourettic sensibility (the joy of being let be?) “
- March 30, IAS-Research Talk (Online), Cristina Villegas (UCM, Madrid), “Variational tendencies: development as an ultimate cause”
- March 16, IAS-Research Talk (Online), Maël Montevil (Université Paris 1/IHPST), “Integrating entropy, constraints closure, and historicity to understand anthropogenic disruptions”
- March 9, IAS-Research Talk (Online), Emilio Caceres (UNED), “Autoorganización como propiedad de nivel. “Una visión reduccionista no eliminativista de la perspectiva organizacional” [Spanish]
- Jan 26, book presentation (Online), Cristian Saborido’s (UNED) “Filosofía de la Medicina” (in Spanish)
- Dec 15, IAS-Research talk (online), Matteo Mossio (CNRS & Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), “On why biological autonomy cannot live without closure”
- Nov 25, IAS-Research Talk (Online), Andrea Gambarotto (UC Louvain), “The Varieties of Kantian Teleology: A Contemporary Assessment”
- June 23, IAS-Research Seminar by Laura Nuño de la Rosa (Complutense University of Madrid): “Interviews on evolvability: reconstructing and explaining the recent history of evolutionary biology“
- June 16, IAS-Research Seminar by Giorgio Airoldi (UNED): “Beyond Fitness: Robustness as measure of non-selective evolutionary phenomena“
- June 9, IAS-Research Seminar by Juan M. Loaiza (Independent Researcher): “Sandboxing: A Specification Hierarchy of Contexts of Constraint Interdependence“
- June 2, IAS-Research Seminar by Derek Skillings (University of North Carolina, USA): “Can host-microbiome systems be healthy? Shaping ecosystems vs curing disease“
- May 26, IAS-Research Seminar by Leonardo Bich (UPV/EHU): “Multicellularity: realizing functional integration by organising the intercellular space“
- May 12, IAS-Research Seminar by Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo (UPV/EHU): “The construction of biological ‘inter-identity as the outcome of a complex process of protocell development in prebiotic evolution“
- April 28, IAS-Research Seminar by Alejandra Martínez & Hanne de Jaegher (UPV/EHU): “Pregnant agencies: movement and participation in maternal-fetal interactions“
- April 7, IAS-Research Seminar by Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Nino Lauber (UPV/EHU): “On the transition from self-organization to minimal metabolism“
- March 5, IAS-Talk by Çağlar Karaca (Kastamonu University): “Relational Basis of the Organism’s Self-organization“
- February 4, IAS-Research Talk by Tim Klaassen (Tilburg University): “Enactivism and the Foundations of Ethics: Some Suggestions on How to Bring the Two Together“
- January 28, IAS-Research Talk by Silvia de Cesare (Université de Genève): “The idea of organic “progress” and evolutionary theory: an epistemological perspective“
- January 21, IAS-Research Seminar by Iñigo Arandia-Romero (UPV/EHU): “Enactive and Simondonian reflections on placebo phenomena“
- January 14, IAS-Research Talk by Marc Artiga (Universitat de València): “Do Bacteria Really Talk to Each Other?“
- December 3, IAS-Research Seminar by Manuel Heras-Escribano and Miguel Aguilera (UPV/EHU): “Autopoiesis in the Game of Life“
- November 19, IAS-Research Seminar by Enara García and Iñigo Arandia-Romero (UPV/EHU): “Pathology in the philosophy of individuation of Gilbert Simondon“
- November 12, IAS-Research Seminar by Arantza Etxeberria (UPV/EHU): Revisiting the “organism/environment interaction” category
- October 29, IAS-Research Seminar by Guglielmo Militello (UPV/EHU): Motility Control of Symbionts and Organelles by the Eukaryotic Cell
- October 15, IAS-Research Talk by Matthew Egbert (University of Auckland): Autonomous & Self-Sensitive Organisms, Behaviours and Ecological Systems
- September 27, IAS-Research Talk by Neda Maki (University of Toronto): Autism in the Canadian Arctic
- July 16, IAS-Research Talk by Miguel A. Sepúlveda-Pedro (Université de Montréal): Opening the ecological dimension of the enactive approach: Umwelt, normativity, and form
- July 12-14, Workshop – Evolution and the embodied mind: The biological roots of 4E cognition
- July 9-10, Workshop – Enaction and Ecological Psychology: Overlaps, Tensions, Complementarities
- July 2, IAS-Research talk by Maria Jimena Clavel (University of St. Andrews): Embodying imagination
- 6-7 June 2019: IV SLMFCE Postgraduate Conference
- 9-10 May 2019: Ninth Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences Research Workshop (PBCS 9)
- April 9, IAS-Research Talk by Iñigo Arandia (UPV/EHU): Epistemic entanglement in the macroscopic world
- February 19, IAS-Research Talk by Iñaki San Pedro (UPV/EHU): Degrees of Epistemic Opacity
- February 12, IAS-Research Talk by Jean-Francois Moreau (University Hospital of Bordeaux): Aging as a metaphor of the importance of spatial organization in multicellular organisms
- January 22, IAS-Research Seminar by Miguel Escribano (UPV/EHU): “G.W. Leibniz y el problema del origen de los cuerpos orgánicos. Educción y performacionismo.”
- December 18, IAS-Research Talk by Charles Wolfe (Ghent University): Philosophy of biology before biology: a methodological provocation
- December 11, IAS-Research Talk by Denis Walsh (University of Toronto): Summoning and Sedimentation: Concepts for an agent-centred evolutionary biology
- November 27, IAS-Research Talk by Nathaniel Barrett (University of Navarra): The contrasts of feeling: Toward an integrated theory of affect and consciousness
- November 23, PRISMA Workshop: Activity – Passivity in Interactions Invitation to embody, explore and investigate an intersubjective phenomenon
- November 19-20, International Workshop: Conceptual Issues on ‘Life, Mind and Society’ in Dialogue with Alvaro Moreno
- September 25, IAS-Research Talk by Gabriel Piedrafita: Tissue-level cell-fate coordination underpins epithelial clone competition dynamics: theoretical modeling to open a conceptual discussion
- June 26, IAS-Research Seminar by Miguel Aguilera: Integrated information and autonomy in the thermodynamic limit
- June 6-8, International workshop: Forgotten Female Bodies
- May 22, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 6 (Run by Antonio Casado): Health and autonomy in medical and bioethical contexts
- May 15, Talk by Nathalie Gontier: Roots of reticulate evolutionary theories in natural philosophy
- May 14, Talk by Nathalie Gontier: Explanation in evolutionary linguistic sciences: a review of epistemological frameworks
- May 8, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 5 (Run by Hanne De Jaegher): Intersubjectivity, social understanding, social normativity
- April 24, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 4 (Run by Ezequiel di Paolo): Embodied and enactive approaches to agency and cognition
- April 10, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 3 (Run by Jon Umerez): Emergence, hierarchies, constraints
- March 20, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 2 (Run by Arantza Etxeberria): Concepts of the organism, individuality, and identity
- March 9, Graduate Workshop on Philosophy of Science / Seminario de Investigación en Filosofía de la Ciencia
- March 6, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018. Seminar 1 (Run by Kepa Ruiz-Mirazu): The organizational approach to minimal living systems
- March 6, Fundamentals of IAS-Research Seminars 2018: Information about topics, schedule, and readings
- March 1, IAS-Research Talk by Johannes Jaeger: Structuralist perspectives on the evolution of developmental processes
- February 9, IAS-Research Talk by Gustavo Caponi: El impacto de la Filosofía Anatómica de Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire en el desarrollo de la Historia Natural
- February 8, “Seminario Abierto de Filosofía” by Sandra Caponi: Vigilar y medicar: el DSM-5 y los trastornos mentales de la infancia
- January 23, IAS-Research Seminar by Xabier Barandiaran: Artificial Democratic Life: re-engineering the autonomy of the social
- January 17, IAS-Research Talk by Cristina Moreno Lozano: In between antibiotic reasons and rations. Introductory ideas to the study of antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance from social science
- December 5, IAS-Research Talk by Mihaela Pavlicev: Can knowledge help overcome the biases in societal perception of female biology?
- November 14, IAS-Research Seminar by Guglielmo Militello: Harnessing energy production: functional integration in symbiotic relationships
- November 7, IAS-Research Talk by Marc Canciani: Revising the Superorganism: An Organizational Approach to the Superorganism Concept
- November 7, IAS-Research Talk by Javier Suárez: Stability of Traits as the Kind of Stability That Matters in a Holobiont
- October 25, IAS-Research Talk by Marc Bedau: The meta-question about life
- October 24, IAS-Research Talk by Marc Bedau: A defense of cultural Darwinism
- September 8, International Workshop: “SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE“
- May 16, IAS-Research Talk by Mª José Ferreira: Disentangling causation and information: informational parity at issue
- May 8, 11 & 12, Seminar on The history and theory of vitalism, from Descartes to Canguilhem, by Charles Wolfe
- May 9, IAS-Research Talks by Charles Wolfe (The organism as hybrid, the organism without idealism) and Fred Keijzer (Why we may want a science of cognition that is not a science of mind)
- April 25, IAS-Research Talk by Davide Vecchi: Biological individuality and the challenge posed by the ubiquity of multi-species partnerships
- April 24, IAS-Research Talk by Davide Vecchi: Challenging the consensus: intrinsicalism and the minimal genome
- April 4, IAS-Research Seminar by Ramiro Frick: Comunicación biológica: hacia una perspectiva organizacional
- February 14, IAS-Research Seminar by Laura Nuño de la Rosa: Evolvability as a dispositional property
- February 2, IAS-Research Seminar by Argyris Arnellos: From organization of processes to organisms and other biological individuals
- November 8, IAS-Research Talk by Francesca Michelini: Keywords in Philosophy of Nature and Autonomy in Biology. On Hegel and Plessner’s Theories of Living Beings
- October 20-21, First Bordeaux-San Sebastián Workshop on Philosophy of Biology
- October 11, IAS-Research Talk by Wim Hordijk: Autocatalytic Sets: The Origin and Organization of Life
- June 21, IAS-Research Talk by Leonardo Bich: Why defining life is not pointless
- June 21, IAS-Research Talk by Sune Holm: Causation as control: the case of synthetic biology
- June 13, IAS-Research Seminar by Michael Beaton: Sensorimotor Direct Realism: How We Enact Our World
- June 13, IAS-Research Seminar by Laura Menatti and Antonio Casado da Rocha: Landscape and Health: Connecting Psychology, Aesthetics, and Philosophy through the Concept of Affordance
- June 7, IAS-Research Talk by Argyris Arnellos: The body complexity thesis: multicellular hurdles for animal cognition
- June 7, IAS-Research Talk by Sébastien Lerique: The Epidemiology of Representations paradigm for the enquiry of cognition-with-culture: how online experiments surface problematic assumptions
- February 26, IAS-Research Seminar by Xabier Barandiaran: Collective identities in interaction networks: exploring the technopolitical autonomy of the 15M through neurodynamic analogies
- February 26, IAS-Research Seminar by Ezequiel Di Paolo: Participatory Object Perception
- December 14, IAS-Research Seminar by Nei de Freitas Nunes-Neto: Regulation in organisms and its ecological consequences
- November 30, talk by Roslyn M. Frank: A cognitive approach to the schema of “dialogic subjectivity” (elkarrekikotasuna) in Euskera: Three examples
- November 9, talk by Francisco Vergara Silva: Evolución biocultural y filosofía de la ciencia
- September 28, talk by Aníbal Monasterio Astobiza: The Morality of Head Transplant
- September 14, talk by Mª José Ferreira Ruiz: Information, inheritance systems and developmental resources
- June 8, talk by James Difrisco: Individuality and the limits of biological functionalism
- June 4, International Workshop on Levels of organization, causality & top-down relations
- June 3, talk by William Bechtel: Minimal Cognition
- June 2, discussion with William Bechtel on Mechanistic explanation and beyond
- June 1, talk by William Bechtel: Mechanistic explanation and beyond
- May 11, IAS-Seminar by Nei de Freitas Nunes-Neto: Functionality and regulation in ecological and social-ecological systems
- May 8, talk by Sara Diani: Complex systems and clinical medicine: do they have fitting points?
- April 27, talk by Marcella Faria: Cell-Matrix Adhesion Complexes and their Dinamic Assembly: the Poetics of Cell Attachment
- April 24, workshop with Alfred Tauber: On Identity and Autonomy
- April 13, talk by René Zaragüeta: Why, Willi, why? Phylogenetics and the dichotomy of trees
- March 4, talk by Thomas Reydon: Metaphysics Naturalized? The Case of Classification in the Sciences.
- March 2, talk by Olatz González: Visualising Basque Fratriarchy: Enactions and Recognition in the Sport of Pelota.
- January 26, talk by Mikael Karlsson: Could Rabbits Dance?
- December 15, talk by Carissa Véliz: In defence of habits.
- December 1, IAS-Seminar by Leonardo Bich: Biological Regulation: an organisational account.
- November 24, IAS-Seminar by Xabier E. Barandiaran: Enactivism without autonomy?
- November 17, IAS-Seminar by Sara Murillo: Towards integrative compartmentalized chemical systems: a lipid-peptide rendez-vous.
- November 10, talk by Oier Etxeberria: Aita Laburu: Imágenes y palabras sobre magia y locura en el País Vasco (1933-1935).
- November 3, IAS-Seminar by Alvaro Moreno: The Limits of Science as Biological Limits of Human Beings.
- October 6, talk by Nicole Rossmanith: Karl Bühler meets Enactive Cognitive Science – Towards a Science of Social Co-regulation and Making Sense.
- July 1-2, IAS-IHPST Workshop: Boundaries and Levels of Biological Organization.
- June 3, talk by Laura Galbusera: Body-Oriented Psychotherapy for Persons with Schizophrenia: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Participants’ Experience.
- May 30, talk by Juli Peretó: Evolutionary Innovations by Symbiogenesis – From Ancient to Modern (Geological) Times.
- May 13, IAS-Seminar by Alba Amilburu: Grouping Practices from a “Naturalistic” Point of View: A Meta-Theoretical Comment.
- May 1-3, Interdisciplinary Workshop: Interacting Complexity: Cognition and Communication in Conflict Transformation.
- April 16, talk by Jürgen Streek: The Praxeology and Phenomenology of Gesture: A Case Study.
- April 1, IAS Key Topics discussion: Invidual vs. social and group levels of explanation.
- March 25, talk by John McGraw: Ritual and Enaction.
- March 18, talk by Yanna Popova: Narrativity and Enaction: the Social Nature of Narrative Understanding.
- February 25, talk by David Romero: Art as a Mirror of Corporality. Poetics of estrangement – integration.
- November 25, IAS-Seminar by Mike Beaton: Learning and Understanding.
- October 22, talk by Michael Marder: Toward a phenomenology of plant life. (Available online at:
- June 28, talk by Massimo Di Giulio: The coevolution theory of the origin of the genetic code and an its extension.
- June 25, IAS-Seminar by Ion Arrieta: The Autonomies of Bioethics.
- June 18, IAS-Seminar by Matthew Egbert and Xabier E. Barandiaran: Habits as sensorimotor life-forms: modelling self-maintaining behaviour with an iterant deformable sensorimotor medium.
- June 11, talk by Massimo Di Giulio: On the rigin of the tRNA molecule.
- May 23, IAS-Seminar by Mike Beaton: Towards a Scientifically Tractable, Direct Realist, Sensorimotor Account of Experience.
- February 4, talk by Pablo Razeto-Barry: Autopoiesis 40 years later.
- January 15, talk by Randall Beer: The Cognitive Domain of a Glider in the Game of Life.
- December 11, IAS-Seminar by Ximena González: Musical imagery from an embodied and enactive approach.
- November 20, IAS-Seminar by Elena Cuffari: Linguistic Movement in Social Coordination: How an Enactivist Might Talk about Talking.
- October 27-28, Workshop on Autonomy and Individual Organisms in Biology: A Collaborative Perspective.
- October 9, IAS-Seminar by Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo and Sara Murillo: On the transition from prebiotic vesicles to protocellular membranes.
- September 6-8, XXIIth edition of the SIUCC (Seminario Interuniversitario de Ciencia Cognitiva).
- September 4, talk by Hiru lizuka: Emergence of Turn-taking Behaviour on Agency Detection Simulation and Behavioural Turing Test Experiment.
- June 22, talk by Richard Prum: Sexual Selection and Aesthetic Evolution.
- June 12, talk by Federica Russo: Mechanisms in the Sciences: A Field Guide.
- May 14-18, Summer School: TESIS: Toward an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity.
- March 11-16, Full week course on Bioethics and Film: Looking at Bioethics through the Lens of Both American and Spanish Films.
- December 3, IAS-Seminar by Mike Beaton: The Location of Subjective Information.
- November 10, talk by Isaac Salazar-Ciudad: Genotype-phenotype map models and evolution.
- November 4, talk by Fred Gifford: The Ethics of Randomized Clinical Trials: The Debate about “So-called Clinical Equipoise” and some underlying issues in philosophy of science.
- October 20, talk by James Griesemer: Life cycle models and origins-of-life scenarios: A reproducer perspective.