Workshop with Alfred Tauber: on Identity and AutonomyWorkshop with Alfred Tauber: on Identity and AutonomyWorkshop with Alfred Tauber: on Identity and Autonomy

International Workshop on Autonomy and Identity in the Biomedical Sciences

April 24th, 2015


Alfred I. Tauber (Boston University): 

Autonomy versus Dignity: The Search for Philosophical Foundations 


  • Argyris Arnellos (KLI): Constitutive self-determination in the transition from uni- to multi-cellularity
  • Antonio Casado (UPV/EHU): Patient autonomy: narrative or episodic?
  • Alvaro Moreno (UPV/EHU): Agency and multicellular identity

Venue: Carlos Santamaría Building, Room A4

Organizers: Antonio Casado and Jon Umerez (UPV/EHU)