This workshop aims to gather researchers in Enaction and Ecological Psychology in order to evaluate which are the complementarities, tensions, and overlaps between these two approaches.
The topics of the workshop will be divided in three main sections:
- Methodological and scientific ontology: Ecological information, sensorimotor contingencies, and affordances.
- Epistemic issues: Ecological meaning, phenomenology, and sense-making.
- The social world within the enactive and the ecological approaches.
City: Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain).
Date: 9 & 10 July, 2019.
Venue: Ignacio María Barriola Building ( Elhuyar Square, 1), University of the Basque Country.
Tony Chemero, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Tom Froese, David Jacobs, David Travieso, Jorge Ibanez-Gijon, Lorena Lobo, Harry Heft, Julian Kiverstein, Erik Rietveld, Marek McGann, Vicente Raja and Miguel Segundo.
The workshop is organized by Manuel Heras-Escribano and Ezequiel Di Paolo (IAS Research Centre for Life, Mind, and Society, EHU-UPV) and generously funded by the BBVA Foundation through the 2018 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators entitled “The philosophy of affordances: The ecological, evolutionary, and social origins of cognition [AFFORDEVOCOG]”
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