“Embodying Intersubjectivity Research” Summer School

The first summer school of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network TESIS: Toward an Embodied Science of InterSubjectivity will take place in San Sebastián, Spain, May 14 – 18, 2012.

The topic of the summer school is Embodying Intersubjectivity Research. This is deliberately intended to be understood in two senses:

  • Recent advances involving several disciplines, from neuroscience, psychiatry, philosophy of mind and phenomenology to evolutionary robotics and cognitive science, have turned away from limited spectatorial pespectives on social cognition to a wider conception of participatory and dynamical aspects of intersubjectivity. What are the latest advances and controversies that describe what’s been achieved as well as the challenges ahead for embodied and enactive approaches to the social world?
  • At the same time, a fundamental, and largely neglected tool for research is our own embodied experience of the intersubjective role. How can we find disciplined methods to tap into our rich lived experiences to inform and guide research questions?

The summer school will aim at providing a space for debate, collaboration and direct (embodied!) engagement with several of the issues that arise from these two main objectives.

Organized by IAS-Research members:

Hanne De Jaegher, Marie Curie, UPV/EHU, University of Sussex
Ezequiel Di Paolo, Ikerbasque, University of Sussex

More information:
Visit the Summer School Website.

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About Xabier Barandiaran

I consider myself a situated and embodied philosopher, which means that I situate my philosophical practice in close interaction with scientific environments and embodied in the conceptual apparatus that emerges from this interplay. The sciences on which I feel embedded are those meeting in the multidisciplinary crossroad of cognitive sciences and artificial life: particularly the origins of agency, simulation of adaptive behaviour (evolutionary robotics and computational neuroethology), and large scale neuroscience.