Izar Agirresarobe Pineda

Research InterestsEducationExperiencePublications

Personal info

Position PhD student
Email izar.agirresarobe@ehu.eus
Website http://www.ias-research.net/people/izar-agirresarobe-pineda/
Address EHU/UPV, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Avenida de Tolosa 70, 20080 Donostia – San Sebastián


In 2014, when I was doing voluntary practices in the Elhuyar Foundation, I first came in contact with the topic of placebo thanks to a book that Prof. Agustin Arrieta Urtizberea (UPV/EHU) recommended me. I thought that it was an interesting field of study in the philosophy of science, because through studying the placebo we can reflect on what is science and what is not. Throughout my academic career, my intrigue to delve the philosophical research of the placebo has increased as I read, knew and thought more about it.

First I decided to base my End-Of-Degree Project on “the unknown phenomenon”. It was supervised by Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano and there I worked on the concept of placebo, on its history, efficacy, methodological (subjective pain management and mind-body relationship) and ethical problems.

Some time after that, I continued working on this topic for my Master´s Thesis, this time on the analysis of the “placebo effect”´s methodological and therapeutic use, in order to understand the benefits that it can cause in healthcare (Master in Philosophy, Science and Values).

In the mean time, I began to study a Degree in Psychology, and continued with the topic, this time focusing on the relation between dispositional optimism and placebo effect (01/07/2019).

Being part of the IAS Research Group today allows me to immerse in a PhD Thesis with a project entitled “A philosophical study of the placebo and placebo effect in medicine and psychiatry: conceptual, methodological and ethical problems”, co-supervised by Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano and Hanne de Jaegher.

Research interests

  • Philosophy of science

  • Causality on biomedical sciences

  • Biological organism, individuality, health and illness

  • Enactive approaches

  • Intersubjectivity and embodiment

  • Bioethics


2019 – 2024 PhD Philosophy, Science and Values. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

2015 – 2019 Psychology Degree*. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

*Curriculum line in Psychology: Clinical and Health Psychology and Psychosocial Intervention.

2016 – 2017 Master in Philosophy, Science and Values. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

2011 – 2015 Philosophy Degree. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).


Academic works on the placebo and the placebo effect:

– “Dispositional optimism and placebo effect” (Psychology Degree, End-Of-Degree Project). University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Supervisor: Eneko Sansinenea Mendez. Date of reading: 01/07/2019.

– “Placebo effect: from a methodological use to a therapeutic use” (Master in Philosophy, Science and Values, End-Of-Master Project). University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Supervisor: Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano. Date of reading: 29/09/2017.

– “Philosophical problems about the placebo” (Philosophy Degree, End-Of-Degree Project). University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Supervisor: Arantza Etxeberria Agiriano. Date of reading: 08/07/2015.


Agirresarobe-Pineda, I. & Arandia, I. R. (2021). Placebo, addictions and the interplay between pre-reflective and reflective activity. 3rd International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies (SIPS), 26-28 May, 2021, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA.

Agirresarobe-Pineda, Izar (2021) Necesidades emocionales y psicosociales en la Covid-19: cuestionando la jerarquía de Maslow. Revista de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España, Número especial: Filosofía en tiempos de pandemia (enero), págs. 16-21.

Agirresarobe-Pineda, Izar (2022). Placēbimus: ¿un vacío imborrable proveniente de la Edad Media? V Congreso Internacional O Camiño do Medievalista: ad aeternum, 1-3 Junio, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, España.

Agirresarobe-Pineda, Izar (2024). Los efectos placebo en psicoterapias feministas. XI Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España, 16-19 Julio, Universidad de Oviedo, España.

Agirresarobe-Pineda, Izar (2024). El placebo desde el medievo: cambio conceptual desde lo individual a lo plural en A., Bouzón Custodio, R. F.,Teixeira da Conceição, A. M. Méndez Sánchez (Ed.), El camino del medievalista: ad aeternum 1 ed., Vol. IV, pp. 157-174.